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Portrush Heritage Group Seeks Transformation of Antrim Gardens

local news tourism Jul 01, 2024
Antrim Gardens Portrush

In a report presented to the council by the Land and Property Officer, the Portrush Heritage Group (PHG) outlined ambitious plans to transform Antrim Gardens into a "Destination Heritage Park."

The report detailed PHG's vision and desire to collaborate with local stakeholders, the community, and interested parties to rejuvenate the underutilised gardens.

PHG's proposal includes applying for National Lottery Heritage Funding to commission a feasibility study. The study aims to explore how Antrim Gardens can be redeveloped to benefit the local community, businesses, and the environment while ensuring it becomes a sustainable visitor attraction.

PHG sought a letter of support from the Council to proceed with their funding application. The report recommends that this request be part of the weekly officer consultation exercise and subsequently referred to the Coast and Countryside team, the asset owner of Antrim Gardens, for consideration.

The Land and Property solicitor has advised that any usage or improvement by PHG must be formalised through a lease or license agreement with the Council and the asset owner. The recommendation to the Council members is to acknowledge the correspondence from PHG and agree to refer the matter for further engagement and potential support.

Alderman Fielding expressed enthusiasm for the project, highlighting its potential to boost tourism and leverage the expertise of PHG. He particularly commended PHG's unwavering commitment to preserving the site's heritage.

The Chair echoed these sentiments, commending PHG's dedication and vision.

It was agreed to recommend that the Corporate Policy and Resources Committee note the correspondence received from Portrush Heritage Group and agree that the matter be referred to the Coast and Countryside team for consideration and engagement with the Portrush Heritage Group to issue a letter of support if deemed appropriate.

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