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Portrush Entrepreneur's Everest Challenge: A Tribute Trek for Mental Health Awareness

local news Feb 12, 2024
Sean McLaughlin Portrush - Geoffrey Moffett

Sean McLaughlin, a Portrush entrepreneur and owner of Kraken Fish and Chips, Fullerton Arms in Ballintoy, and The Boathouse in Antrim, is gearing up for an ambitious 18-day journey to the base camp of Mount Everest next month.

This endeavour is not only a significant personal challenge for Sean but also a heartfelt tribute to his late friend, Firefighter Darren O'Neill, who tragically ended his own life last year.

At the age of 45, Sean is motivated by the goal of bringing attention to the often-overlooked issues of mental health and suicide. By climbing to an altitude of 5364 meters to Everest's base camp, he aims to cast light on the silent struggles many people face and honour the memory of his friend Darren, affectionately known as 'Horse,' who passed away last year.

Sean is committed to supporting The Firefighters Charity in Darren's memory and champions The Olive Branch, a local charity that provides crucial support to individuals in Northern Ireland and beyond.

Understanding the hurdles of seeking help from his own experiences, Sean emphasises the importance of readily available support. He has pledged to cover all expedition costs personally, ensuring that 100% of the funds raised will directly benefit the charities, without any deductions for the trip's expenses.

Sean's mission is to break the stigma surrounding mental health, encouraging community support for those silently suffering. The trek is scheduled from March 21st to April 7th, and to bolster this cause, The Fullerton Arms Team is organising a fundraising pub quiz on March 1st, with proceeds going to The Firefighters Charity and The Olive Branch.

To donate click here. 

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