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New Research Into Hearing Aids & Cognitive Decline

business Jul 22, 2023
Geoffrey Moffett

Results from the largest randomised, controlled clinical trial of hearing aids for reducing long-term cognitive decline in older adults, were reported for the first time at the Alzheimer's Association International Conference 2023, this week in Amsterdam.

Findings from the study, published in the Lancet, showed that for people with a hearing loss & risk factors for dementia, hearing aids demonstrated a staggering 48% slowing of cognitive decline over the 3 year period of the trial.

According to the researchers, hearing aids may slow down the decline in thinking and memory by making listening easier for the brain.

For all sectors of the population it was found that the hearing intervention improved communication, social functioning and loneliness.

A longer term follow up of the study is currently underway, until we know more, Joy of Hearing recommends that older adults have their hearing checked regularly and any hearing issues properly addressed.

The researchers cite hearing loss as present in 65% of adults over age 60. Joy of Hearing is an independent Audiologist based in Bushmills with 20 years experience, within the NHS and private sector.

As a BSc qualified Audiologist Joy is unique in the local area, in that she is able to treat children over 5, as well as adults, for ear wax problems and hearing consultations.

Unlike high street providers, Joy of Hearing is a fully independent Audiologist, not tied to any manufacturers and therefore able to match the perfect hearing aid with your type of loss. "We have access to the latest cutting edge technology, not available on the NHS, which you can trial before purchasing."

You do not need to be referred by your GP. If you would like to arrange an appointment for a hearing consultation or microsuction / ear wax removal, please call Joy of Hearing on 02870348030 or email [email protected]

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