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Mayor welcomes New Year Honours recipients to Cloonavin

local news Feb 20, 2024
New Year Honours Cloonavin - Geoffrey Moffett

A special reception has been held in Cloonavin to recognise residents of the Borough included in The King’s New Year Honours list.

Mayor of Causeway Coast and Glens, Councillor Steven Callaghan hosted the event and was delighted to meet with some of those commended to find out more about their work.

Guests who attended the reception included former Irish League referee Lesley Irvine, who received an MBE for services to association football, and Alister Smyth, who was awarded a BEM for voluntary and charitable cervices to the community in Limavady.

Cllr Callaghan said: “The New Year Honours offers an opportunity to recognise the invaluable contributions people in Causeway Coast and Glens make to their communities across a wide range of areas.

“They have each demonstrated excellence in their fields of expertise and they are fantastic ambassadors for our Borough. On behalf of Council, I wish to offer my congratulations and sincere thanks for their incredible work.”

Other residents of the Borough who were named on the King’s New Year Honours List included Adam Watson BEM (For services to mental health in the farming community in Northern Ireland), Paul Henderson KPM, (Lately Detective Constable, PSNI) and James Martin MBE (For services to drama in Northern Ireland).

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