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JKC BMW delivers official course cars for 2023 fonaCAB and Nicholl Oils North West 200

local news north west 200 May 06, 2023
JKC Coleraine - North West 2023

JKC BMW, the Official Vehicle Partner of the fonaCAB and Nicholl Oils North West 200, has delivered the vehicles to be used as course cars during race week at the 2023 event.

The Coleraine business has been supplying a range of BMW vehicles to the meeting since 2017. A leading BMW retailer, JKC is also a major employer in the north coast area, employing over 80 people across two retail outlets and workshops.

“JKC BMW are delighted to announce their continued partnership with the North West 200.” Niall MacFlynn, Head of Business at JKC, said.

“As a local family business, we are very proud to continue our support of this fantastic event where the BMW brand is a perfect fit with the motorsport buzz that the biggest road racing week will bring to the north coast on May 7-13. This year will see the latest high-performance M models from the BMW range lapping the NW 200 circuit on race day, in addition to the vast number of support vehicles that will be spotted around the triangle area during race week.”

“The North West 200 has enjoyed a long and successful collaboration with JKC BMW and to have the support of such a successful local business for another season is fantastic news.” the NW200’s Mervyn Whyte said.

“We are very grateful for all the help and commitment JKC BMW have provided in recent years as we look forward to the 2023 race week.”

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