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Council Explores Accessible Changing Places Facility on Rathlin Island

local news Sep 14, 2023
Rathlin Island - Geoffrey Moffett

Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council are considering the construction of a Changing Places toilet facility on Rathlin Island.

Changing Places toilets cater to the needs of disabled individuals by offering larger spaces and amenities such as hoists, curtains, adult-sized changing benches, and room for caregivers.

In the council’s Environmental Services Committee session on Tuesday, September 12, a proposal to evaluate the feasibility of such a facility on the island was passed. Glens Sinn Fein Councillor Cara McShane introduced the proposal, which Glens Sinn Fein Councillor Maighréad Watson supported.

The proposal focuses on the potential facility and emphasises the council's commitment to ensuring the Causeway Coast and Glens are accessible and inclusive, underlining the vital role Changing Places toilets play in this vision.

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