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Black Rock Hotels Acquires The Smugglers Inn in Bushmills

business local news May 06, 2023
Smugglers Inn

Black Rock Hotels, the owners of Leighinmohr House in Ballymena, have announced the purchase of The Smugglers Inn in Bushmills.

In the coming months, the landmark building on the Causeway Coast will undergo a complete refurbishment and rebranding, focusing on offering quality food and stylish decor. The move aims to complement the vibrant and growing hospitality sector on the North Coast.

The new ownership presents an opportunity for the company to expand its footprint in the hospitality industry, building on the success of its flagship hotel, Leighinmohr House.

In a statement issued by the former owners of The Smugglers Inn, they expressed their gratitude to their customers for their continued loyalty and support over the years. They also thanked their past and present staff for their hard work and dedication throughout their 25 years of ownership.

The Smugglers Inn has been a landmark building in the Bushmills area for many years, and its acquisition by Black Rock Hotels is a significant milestone in the development of the hospitality sector on the North Coast. The refurbishment and rebranding of the building are expected to boost the local economy, creating job opportunities and attracting visitors to the area.

Black Rock Hotels has a reputation for delivering high-quality services. Its acquisition of The Smugglers Inn is seen as a positive move for the company and the wider community. 

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