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Ballycastle Consultation for Proposed Leisure Centre Development

tourism visit causeway coast and glens Jul 20, 2023
Ballycastle Leisure Centre - Geoffrey Moffett

On August 23, 2023, there will be a drop-in Public Consultation event to engage locals on the proposed development of new Leisure facilities to Quay road sports grounds .

Leaflets with important information and specifics of the event will be distributed to nearby homes within a 200-meter radius of the proposed development site to ensure maximum participation. This disbursement will begin the week of August 14, 2023.

The leaflet will contain a link to the council website which sets out details of the project as well as an email and postal address where feedback, questions and requests for additional information to be posted out, can be submitted.

Individual consultations will also be offered to elected representatives from the area to discuss the proposed development. The promotion of the consultation process will be uploaded to Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council website and associated social media platforms.

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