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£1.65m refurbishment of the Cutts water level Control Structure on the River Bann

local news Jan 29, 2024
Cutts Coleraine - Geoffrey Moffett

The Department for Infrastructure has awarded civil engineering contractor CivCo a £1.65million contract for repair works to the Cutts Control Structure on the Lower River Bann in Coleraine.

The gates at the Cutts are part of a series of three control structures along the Lower Bann, with the other control structures at Kilrea and Toome.  All three structures work to regulate the water levels on the Lower Bann and Lough Neagh helping facilitate navigation and minimise the effects of flooding, particularly in times of heavy rainfall.

The refurbishment work on the Cutts Control Structure will improve the operation and safety of this essential piece of infrastructure. Works include refurbishment of the entire structure including the gates, a new electrical control system, improved lighting and general repairs.

Preparatory works are due to commence in February 2024, subject to favourable weather conditions.

The Department is working closely with CivCo, other statutory bodies and local stakeholders to plan the necessary works.

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